The Science of Performance Breathing In the pursuit of peak athletic performance, understanding the nuances of breathing during exercise is essential. In our latest video, “Maximising Breathing for Exercise Performance,” Martin McPhilimey, a seasoned expert with 15 years of experience
Mastering Nervous System Regulationwith Martin McPhilimey The nervous system, a complex network that dictates everything from our breathing to our emotional response to stress, is foundational to both our survival and well-being. In our recent video, “Understanding Dysregulated Nervous Systems:
In this engaging chat, I get to talk about cults and dogma, science & mysticism, and how all of that relates to the breath! We discuss: * Why Martin left his senior clinical respiratory healthcare management role in mainstream healthcare
The Science Behind Oxygen Advantage: How to Improve Your Athletic Performance and Health Athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike have long known the importance of breathing properly in order to perform at their best. Yet, many people are unaware of the
The Link Between Stress and Physical Health Conditions Chronic stress has been linked to various physical health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and digestive problems. Stress activates the body’s “fight or flight” response, which can have physical effects such as
So in this blog, I want to talk to you about how to reduce stress by managing your physiology. Many of you may believe that stress is this mental construct where you are overwhelmed and unable to think. Whilst true,
Unless you’re a freediver or in the breath coaching community, you probably haven’t heard of CO2 tolerance before. Even in the scientific literature, the notion that improving one’s ability to tolerate higher levels of carbon dioxide in the blood can
Breath to Breath Interview with Martin McPhilimey Last week, on the Breath to Breath Podcast, I was interviewed by the wonderful Perrin White. She is a speech therapist and functional breathing coach in Greenville, South Carolina, USA. After connecting through
Five Ways to Activate the Vagus Nerve You can watch a condense version of this blog by finding my video on five ways to activate the vagus nerve at the bottom of this blog. Don’t forget to subscribe to my
In this video and podcast you will under go six minutes of guided breathwork for deep relaxation with Martin McPhilimey. A pranayama like nasal breathing session to help you on your journey to living a more relaxed lifestyle. If you would